Hermanus CBD Cluster (2)
The CBD and the composition of our town have many sectors and we understand that not all suburbs or industrial areas have the same issues. Thus we will establish a number of Clusters within our structure.
We welcome the Forum's new CBD CLUSTER. " a collective effort "
The CBD is the driver of growth and tourism which are the necessary ingredients of a successful and prosperous Hermanus.
The desire to solve issues and improve the Hermanus CBD is a long time "going" and time to join in a collective effort to achieve focused results.
There have been many individual and private initiatives, some very successful and much appreciated, among others the efforts of PPP champions who also decided to join forces as a collective.
The *WCBCF ( "the FORUM" ) realized the necessity to have a formalised system to combine and process many common related challenges and initiatives. Also, to have leading participants with collective abilities, time, and appetite to attend and or coordinate these matters that matter. ( * please note, the Forum is NOT the late Business Chamber ) the Forum is the only Business and Community entity represented on the Overstrand Mun Council - Ward 3 committee.
Since we represent Business AND Community and are well-positioned to work in collaboration with Overstrand Council, we would like to initiate such a system, together with collective participation from CBD businesses and other pro-CBD concerned individuals. Therefore we created a Forum CBD CLUSTER, as another of the Forum’s focus points as we did with other Cluster related to security hence the survival and revival of HPP. As you may be aware, we already created a CBD Cluster WhatsApp group. If you are not part of it yet, please join if you are interested in participating in the discussions. You can follow this link to join the WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/CUjcGeSsJ0uKlVkWj0aCLf or send your cell number directly to Barry at 0733880898
I would like to summarize just very briefly some CBD aspects that have been done recently or in process or earmarked. Most of these are by Public and Private Participation with other participants and OM
Short Summary of the CBD Meeting Held
The Whale Coast Business and Community Forum with close to 800 members from the amalgamation of the CCF and HBCF held a meeting in the CBD to establish its first of many to follow Clusters.
The CBD and the composition of our town have many sectors and we understand that not all suburbs or industrial areas have the same issues. Thus we will establish a number of Clusters within our structure. During the CBD Cluster meeting, it was established that three issues need urgent attention.