Tuesday, 05 May 2020 13:45


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Dear Premier Winde, Speaker Mnqasela and Mayor Coetzer

The WCBCF is a mandated organisation which acts on behalf of our members, which constitutes of business and property owners in the Overstrand area.

National Government declared a national state of disaster on 15 March 2020 to address the magnitude and severity of the COVID-19 pandemic. While we support and thank him for his swift action to curb the virus, we are extremely concerned of the economic and social ramifications, should the lockdown be extended. This state of disaster can be extended by the National Government at any time for one month at a time.

The President announced an initial 21-day lockdown on 23 March 2020. The lockdown was later extended until 30 April 2020. A state of emergency has not yet been declared meaning that the rights protected in the Bill of Rights remain in force but can be limited – provided that the limitation is reasonable and justifiable in an open and democratic society that is based on human dignity, equality and freedom.

While we are well aware of the seriousness of this health crisis, it would be criminal to ignore the economic and social impact of people not being allowed to return to work in order to earn an income and feed their families.

We have had a multitude of requests and pleas from various communities around the Overberg and Overstrand area to assist small businesses to be able to open their doors again. We feel that all local Municipalities should look at innovative ways in which they can assist small businesses. We have had complaints that business owners writing to our Executive Mayor at our local Municipality requesting assistance, do not even get a reply.

Small Business Financial Relief has not been forthcoming to the Small Businesses in the Overstrand should Businesses be unable to operate, people will become desperate leading to full scale riots and protests. The basic human right of being able to earn a living is being violated and should this lockdown be extended small businesses will become history.

Many of the country have shown great discipline in respectively adhering to the lockdown regulations. Please return this respect in not treating the citizens of the country like children but rather like the adults they are. Everyone is well aware of the strict health precautions and are presently enforcing them in their Businesses and themselves to work within the framework of the rules and regulations

We respectively request an immediate end to this extended lockdown. This lockdown is causing extreme anxiety on many Small Business owners (and most people) and the restriction to prevent people to earn a living and income, as well as the freedom of movement, is unconstitutional.


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